Swart ST-45 Convertible Head
It's finally in production after the long wait but like a fine wine, it's more than worth it. The all new SPACE TONE FORTY-FIVE, or ST-45, is a first for Swart Amps on a number of fronts. It's our first 45 watt amp that is built and dedicated to the 6L6 tube, this via our first production Fixed Bias circuit to get the MOST out of this great tube. It's our first offering with separate bass and treble controls. Bottom line, this amp just has STELLAR CLEANS, so sweet and alluring, with no trace of the mechanical. Picture an AST on clean steroids. This amp really nails that elusive harmonic richness while still sounding open and transparent. The real kicker? It's actually as beautiful as it sounds, with another first for us, a full convertible HEAD cab that can be removed to show this beast off in full glory. IT's an aesthetic masterpiece mated with the easiest access to tube rolling fun you'll ever find. The cab is secured with four heavy duty latches. This amp made Buddy Miller reach for ye olde checkbook after only a few minutes playing at NAMM. Can be paired with matching 2x12 or 1x12. The 2x12 with CREAMBACKS is a winner but so is the 1x12 Gold or Cream.
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