RS Guitarworks Complete Vintage Strat Style Electronics Upgrade Kit
Kit includes:
(1) 280K RS Split-Shaft SuperPot. We designed these pots in conjunction with CTS. Used for the volume controls in the kit, these pots have a custom taper that gives you a noticeable difference between each number on your volume control. You can finally roll your volume down to 2 or 1 and not loose any clarity, even in the neck position!! Mil-spec construction and a smoother resistor path make this the best pot to ever be used in the guitar.
(2) 250K CTS Split-Shaft Audio taper pots- Audio taper pots work great for tone controls. With that in mind, we had CTS improve their stock audio taper pot by using brass shaft construction (brass is much more resilient than the typical aluminum,) and much tighter tolerances.
(1) Vintage RS GuitarCap Paper In Oil .047 RS is proud to bring you our new Vintage 200 volt Paper In Oil (PIO) capacitor. We have tested these against some of the best new and vintage caps on the market and we are happy to say they outperformed any cap we have sold in the past and they really hold their own against the vintage caps. They also have the tightest specs we have found at 1% tolerance! They are epoxy filled to ensure they will last a lifetime, then they are finished off with a wax coating just like the caps from the 50's.
(1) Length vintage-white wire- Used for the grounding and wiring the switch in the circuit.
(1) Length vintage black wire- Also used for the grounding and wiring the switch in the circuit.
(1) Swithcraft input jack
(1) CRL 5-Way toggle
(1) Colour wiring diagram.
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