Keeley 1962 British Overdrive


Keeley 1962 British Overdrive

This unit is crafted from precision components and workmanship.  Even the surface mount JFET transistors are placed and soldered by hand.  A very low noise op-amp was selected for this tone-tool.  You’ve come to expect brilliance from Keeley pedals, this one delivers.  It sparkles with life and energy, but doesn’t have the noise that takes away from that clarity.  This ain’t a tube screamer!  But it sure as heck goes well with one!  Want a dual overdrive system?  Take our Red Dirt and couple it with this monster.  Flat out heavy guitar tones and then click on the Red Dirt for that mid-focused saturation…infinite sustain territory.  That kind of love comes from the guys and girls at Keeley that make it their life to create fine musical instruments.  Keeley engineered effects are tools that you can depend on and make music with.